
Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

how to make heaven in hell

every one in this world always get one of this condition,
happy like in heaven or suffering like in hell.
how they face this condition???
there are 4 ways to face it,
1. make hell in hell
2. make hell in heaven
3. make heaven in hell
4. make heaven in heaven

1. make hell in hell
people in suffering, always make their life more suffering. they had bad thinking about some one, they blame GOD, they do a criminal. this will make their life more suffering.

2. make hell in heaven
people in happiness some times not grateful to what they gets. they try to make their life more happy, more rich, by cheat or make someone suffering. this will make them more greedy.

3. make heaven in hell
this option is hard to try. but we must to try it.
people in suffering should try to make their think happiness,do not have a bad thinking about some one, always pray to GOD and never blame to GOD. always get a positif thinking.always happy no matter what happen. they will get their heaven in their suffering.

4. make heaven in heaven
make heaven in heaven,this is just for some one in heaven now. they think positif to every one. happy when see another happy, sad when see another sad. have a balance life,joyfull.

make your choice to your life!!!